Frequently Asked Questions

  • My assessment process provides feedback to parents on how their child is getting on before they commit to the course. The assessment papers have a target mark which I like children to reach, so that the course itself isn’t too hard for them to really enjoy. However, I strongly feel that the course is beneficial, even if grammar school is not necessarily the aim, and will discuss the suitability of each individual child with their parents at length before they decide to progress with a place or not.

  • Primarily, my 11+ course is aimed at those taking the Buckinghamshire 11+ in September of Year 6. However, a lot of the work covered is helpful for many entrance exams, including the ISEB test (used by lots of private schools for the entry examination).

  • I don’t publish any pass/success rates because every year is different and naturally in my 17 years of teaching I have had ‘brighter’ and less bright years. You cannot compare two companies unless they have exactly the same cohort of children - it’s as good as comparing apples with oranges! Some tutors will only take on children they know will have a very good chance of passing, and there is no consistent (officially adhered to by all) way of publishing a tutor’s results. They are incredibly hard (if not impossible!) to prove so, as a parent, I would take them with a pinch of salt.

    I am very honest at the assessment stage if I think a child would suit a grammar school environment, but even on the day of the exam, a child can surprise you (both by doing better than expected, or by having a ‘bad day at the office’). If they have improved in their English, Maths, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning, have gained valuable test experience and enjoyed the process with me, I consider the course a success.

  • I have an absolute capacity of ten students per session, but usually there are between six and nine attending each group. This is because I like to be as flexible as I can when students have other commitments, such as swimming galas or concerts (such as Young Voices), and so need to switch groups for a week.

  • Yes, though I have assistants in the session to help me with admin such as marking etc., I am the tutor for all the students on the FSL course and the first point of contact for any parent query.

  • Unfortunately, my 11+ course takes up all of my calendar at he moment and I cannot offer 1:1 tuition exclusively for the exam. However, I will often schedule a session in with my course students if I feel they needs some individual attention on a particular subject area.

  • This is a big question! Take a look at my blog that explains my approach in detail.

  • It’s hard to know in Year 4 if a child is definitely right for the exam as it’s such a long way away, and children can change so much. I am very honest in my initial assessment though, and keep consistent contact with the parents throughout the duration of the course.

    The tuition alone is very beneficial and children are reassessed half way through the course. They can complete the teaching phase (up until July of Year 5) but not continue with the more intensive work over the summer if preferred.

    A positive experience for my students is my priority and if I have any concerns, I will always be in touch to discuss a child individually if needed.